Friday, November 16, 2007

Massacre of the Innocence

Disturbing smiles sink their teeth
into a once living creature.
The flesh taints their greedy hands.
They fill their stomachs
with something they call delectable.
This delectable morsel had a life…
an entire story.

One question may be asked…
“What are you salivating over?”
An animal
A living being.
A poor defenseless creature
without a second choice.
Taken from their home.
Their entire life stolen
for some ones so called need.

Their cries were ignored.
The bloodstained blade was raised
then dropped again… and again… and again…
They plead in their misunderstood shrieks and wines.
“Please let me go. I have a family.
I have a life. Don’t-“
Without warning their life is cut short.

It is murder!
Are no tears shed for those deaths?
Is there no compassion?
One million words spoken…
“It is necessary”
“They were put here for us to eat.”
“We can’t live without it”
The fact is known and it is somehow still uncared for.
Murder is the only solution.

Ask yourselves…
“Why do we kill innocence
as it’s staring us back in the eyes?”

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