Thursday, December 20, 2007


Veins turn crimson at
the sight of a blade.
Hands tremble unable
to maintain control.
His pain is salvation
compaired to numbness.
A hard sigh is forced
out of compressed lungs.
Eyes well up as if to
spill the divine liquids
he wishes to feel
upon his cheeks.
Nothing falls,
but the cold hands
of the man.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Images of Darkness

Shelter my identity in this
intoxicating world of black.
Let my presence be
unknown to all.
I wish to escape the
horrors of this place.
Please free me of this filth.

Darkness is equal to blindness.
The mind’s need for light widens
as the void is left unfilled.

The sun goes to rest
taking the brightness along.
Night awakens.
Owls cry out their
haunting tune.
It bears the gift of
blackness to its beholder.
A child in the window waits
to see their wishing star.

Tell me your secrets,
let them slink into my
mind in these shadows.
Your soft spoken voice
will tap upon the
passage of my ear.

She takes heavy unsteady breaths
as the creature closes in on her.
Eyes darting,
but seeing nothingness.
Is this reality or
simply her mind in madness?

I’ve committed a crime
in their eyes by being myself.
They are enclosed in their
own thoughts and refuse
to look further.
Judgment isn’t a final defense…

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Breaking Through

This is my chance to escape
my fistful of tentions.
I dream of uncovering what is
beyond the garden of life.
My spirit will not settle
until it claims its freedom.
My mind will continue battling
and fighting the feeling that
this wish isn't as genuine
as I imagined.
This discovery shall beautify
and redifine the entire
course of my life.
Once I embark on this journey
there will be infinite possibilities.
My body will open up unleashing
the shadows of my past
that have been locked away
inside my endless thoughts.
The war in my mind will
continue before I depart.
Darkness versus light.
I will survive the agony
that is conquering me.
The day that the one
warming hand saves me
from the on comeing hazards
will be the day I finally emerge.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

You Can't Rule Me

Every breath I take means
I'm closer to my last.
I can't get away from this
darkness that eats my past.
Every path I make seems
to be destroyed.
I can't remember where's
the life I enjoyed?
Everyday that break's
never has a sun.
It all adds up I
only equal to one.
Everytime I fake to be
the one you knew.
I can't go back to that,
it's not up to you!

A Shadow in the Mist

Through the misted window
he stands alone.
The swarming thick fog
darkens his existence.
Watching and waiting
without a reason.
The rain continues to fall
so heavily around.
Still standing without a
small thought of leaving.
He waits an eternity
for what?

The Silent I Love You

Time isn't an element
of significance when
I'm with you.
I erase it completely
as we stand silently
enclosed in eachothers eyes.
The smile you send me
is made my own.
The words we wish to say
are for some reason
lost inside ourselves.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Painted Rose

An innocent girl…
cherry blossom lips and
velvet tulip finger tips.
She was seduced by a reckless and deceiving boy.
He took her heart made of gold
like a swindling merchant.
It was her life and pride…
her happiness.

She didn’t notice his distrustful ways
until he laid his lips upon hers.
The was venom in the hard kiss
that he forced upon her.
The veil that enclosed his lying ways
was lifted showing her the truth.

He pushed her to the edge even
when she was tempted to run.
She was a broken flower
wilted in the rain.
The agony at that moment was forever after.
The wound in her heart would not suffice.
She was his sacrifice.
In eternal delirium she would never rest.

Massacre of the Innocence

Disturbing smiles sink their teeth
into a once living creature.
The flesh taints their greedy hands.
They fill their stomachs
with something they call delectable.
This delectable morsel had a life…
an entire story.

One question may be asked…
“What are you salivating over?”
An animal
A living being.
A poor defenseless creature
without a second choice.
Taken from their home.
Their entire life stolen
for some ones so called need.

Their cries were ignored.
The bloodstained blade was raised
then dropped again… and again… and again…
They plead in their misunderstood shrieks and wines.
“Please let me go. I have a family.
I have a life. Don’t-“
Without warning their life is cut short.

It is murder!
Are no tears shed for those deaths?
Is there no compassion?
One million words spoken…
“It is necessary”
“They were put here for us to eat.”
“We can’t live without it”
The fact is known and it is somehow still uncared for.
Murder is the only solution.

Ask yourselves…
“Why do we kill innocence
as it’s staring us back in the eyes?”

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Frozen In Memory

Everything moves in circles.
Spining continuously.
There is no straighjt path.
I, for some reason try to fly
even when my wings are still unretrieved.
I end up caught in webs
falling back to wear I began.
One million needles penetrate
my heart...
my lungs...
I can barely endure it but somehow
I am still breathing
and living for you.
Every tear shead becomes more
unbearable then the last.
The doors to my mind release
secrets of my faded memory.
It is difficult to cry.
I wish to cease it.
My inner screaming will not subside.
I wish to silence it.
Absolutly everything is perpetual.
Life seems to be going nowhere.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yours, Truly

Dear Self,
What happened to you?
Your mind is collapsing under pressure.
Your body keeps shaking violently.
Late at night your heart is screaming
to break free from its chamber.
You need to get yourself together.
Get help… before it’s over.

Why is everything colorless?
Why don’t you open your eyes?
Look for the endless light.
It will show you that there is a future.

Stop drowning in your pain.
Find him.
Reach for his hand.
Once your hands connect, it’s forever.
This magnetic touch is a promise.

Love always,