Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Love's Second Meaning

I am almost oblivious,
so close that things that
are clearly meant to be
understood aren't.
Gullible is part of my personality
and if you don't like it
then walk away now.
I love you doesn't mean
the same thing anymore,
it's just another way to say
you want me in that sleazy
kind of way when sex is all
that love is involved in.
I have heard that phrase
long enough and that is what
I am accustomed to believing.
Somehow, I always trusted you
when you told me you cared,
that's when I realized I said
that exact thing to you
and it never had a meaning.
I try so hard not to let you
see how much I can't stand you.
That's why when I say I'm
almost oblivious...
I mean I am almost oblivious
as you...

Friday, May 9, 2008

What Am I?

What am I to you?
Your personal anger
some sort of stress
reliever you unleash
your fists on?
I can't tell if your smiles
are true or not so
I always stand clear
of what can happen.
What am I to you?
Was I every anything?
I've seen old pictures
where I sat in your lap
and the smile you were
wearing is nothing like
the one you give me today.
Those memories are faded
and I can't do anything,
but close my eyes and try
to remember how
everything changed.
What am I?
Please, just tell me.
It doesn't even matter
how much it will hurt,
because it will never
compair to how
I already feel.
I feel like you hate me,
the feeling I have conceived
toward you is dislike,
and I know this isn't right.
What am I to you?
I don't even care.
I just want you to love me.
I want to be teh daughter
you always wanted and
not the failure that
you beleive I am.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sweet October

Come back to me sweet October.
Bring back that crisp air
and the smell of decaying leaves.
Come back to me sweet autumn.
Please return to me my love.
These passed six months
without you slowly tore away
at the remaining sanity left in me.
You have been away for too
long now and my mind
is already in madness.
When will tomorrow be the
day that I can hold
your hand again?
I can't take this sadness anymore.
The pain is too much to
endure for another month.
Each day depletes more of me.
I don't know how much
longer I can hold on to
your last words until I
finally break.
I've been living with you in
dreams to keep myself sane.
I hope your doing better
then I am.
I pray for your happiness
every night.