Thursday, December 20, 2007


Veins turn crimson at
the sight of a blade.
Hands tremble unable
to maintain control.
His pain is salvation
compaired to numbness.
A hard sigh is forced
out of compressed lungs.
Eyes well up as if to
spill the divine liquids
he wishes to feel
upon his cheeks.
Nothing falls,
but the cold hands
of the man.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Images of Darkness

Shelter my identity in this
intoxicating world of black.
Let my presence be
unknown to all.
I wish to escape the
horrors of this place.
Please free me of this filth.

Darkness is equal to blindness.
The mind’s need for light widens
as the void is left unfilled.

The sun goes to rest
taking the brightness along.
Night awakens.
Owls cry out their
haunting tune.
It bears the gift of
blackness to its beholder.
A child in the window waits
to see their wishing star.

Tell me your secrets,
let them slink into my
mind in these shadows.
Your soft spoken voice
will tap upon the
passage of my ear.

She takes heavy unsteady breaths
as the creature closes in on her.
Eyes darting,
but seeing nothingness.
Is this reality or
simply her mind in madness?

I’ve committed a crime
in their eyes by being myself.
They are enclosed in their
own thoughts and refuse
to look further.
Judgment isn’t a final defense…